Congratulations to the new graduate Florian Schöpflin on winning the 2019 prize!
As an ESRI Development Center, Z_GIS has the opportunity every year to nominate a top student for his or her competence in spatial development. This year, Florian Schöpflin will be awarded this special honor for his diploma thesis „Applied Geoinformatics“ at the University of Salzburg „Analysis of the potential of multimodal and intermodal mobility in the state of Salzburg“, which is supervised by Dr. Thomas Prinz at RSA Studio iSPACE.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the potential of sustainable transport modes in order to raise awareness for different options. Three geospatial models will be developed that take into account commuter data (in grid format) with origin and destination as well as the number of commuters in this context. With the help of the developed models, the theoretically shortest route of the commuters is calculated using a ND derived from GIP (Graph Integration Platform). Depending on the calculated distances, suitable means of transport are assigned to each route. In addition, commuters crossing a threshold distance are assigned to intermodal journeys and further used to analyse the potential of stop locations as multimodal nodes. Based on these findings, a theoretical modal split for sustainable transport modes will be developed. Finally, possible approaches to realise the identified mobility improvement potentials are presented.