

MobilityIntegrator - In order to do justice to increasing everyday mobility in cities, new multimodal offers in local and commuter mobility.


Application details

Offers for everyday mobility

From 2018 to 2020

In order to meet the challenges posed by increasing everyday mobility in cities and urban regions, new types of multimodal services, especially in local and commuter mobility, as well as integrative planning bases are of particular importance.

MobilityIntegrator therefore aims to develop overall systemic planning concepts and standards in order to be able to control continuous route chains and multimodal mobility nodes. In coordination with an ÖROK working group, the concept of public transport quality classes is being built on and possibilities for Austria-wide expansion to include the aspect of multimodality are being pointed out.

Based on this, a scalable accessibility model for the mapping of continuous chains of routes with public transport (Park&Ride, Bike&Ride, Kiss&Ride / MircroÖV) will be developed for the first time, which analyses travel times of different chains of routes in the area and compares them with individual transport

As a basis for demand-oriented, overall systemic planning of multimodal mobility offers and integrated mobility nodes, a spatially transferable potential model is being developed based on spatial structural data, infrastructure data, demographic data, accessibility and mobility offers. The link to high-resolution commuter data also enables the allocation of commuter flows to the transport infrastructure network. This is an important basis for integrated and demand-oriented transport and spatial planning.

The aim is also to show what contribution the developed concepts can make as building blocks for larger and interrelated solution approaches such as dynamic traffic management. The innovative effectiveness of the project and the application benefits for integrated personal mobility offers of the future are to be achieved by embedding the project in the Salzburg Urban Mobility Laboratory and by involving 10 LoI partners from different specialist and political areas.

Our research team

Dr. Thomas Prinz
Dr. Thomas Prinz
Studio Manager “Smart Settlement Systems”
Mag. Stefan Herbst
Mag. Stefan Herbst



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