Information Retrieval & Data Market Technologies

The competence Data Analytics is based on the methods of information retriever, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Innovative solutions for maximum data collection are developed with and for companies or public clients. These solutions are implemented as prototypes and enable an efficient exchange between research and industry. Through this cooperation we are able to transfer Big Data Analysis solutions to industry, which can also be introduced into business processes or information technology systems. DSC also deals with Technology Enhanced Learning such as Micro- or Mobile Learning.

Our methodical procedures are not only used for data analysis, but also support data management and the integration of large data sets. Data Interaction can help with visualization and graphical illustrations. Currently, the DSC-Studio is putting together a new team that focuses on statistical data analysis. Our target groups are mainly organizations and companies that want to have a deeper insight into their data structures and data flows.

Implementation and exploitation of big data analysis and data management

Data Science actively researches the further development of current data structures and data streams. In addition, new achievements in the field of machine learning and what is happening on national and international data markets, such as Data Market Austria.

The main fields of application are currently

  • Data Management: data cleaning, pre-processing, validation and curation

  • Data Integration: structured and unstructured data, multimodal data, data selection

  • Data Analytics: information retrieval, data mining, sematic analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, modelling