Studio iSPACE is cooperation partner of the new Research Center Alpine Construction

The Research Studio iSPACE of the Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft, together with the Research Institute Smart Building and Smart City of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, has founded a novel research and transfer center “Alpine Construction”. The first three research fields of the new centre are:

Intelligent Energy Systems
Intelligent building envelopes
Simulation of settlement systems

The centre is financed for an initial period of five years by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the province of Salzburg, the FH Salzburg and the RSA FG. Regarding the research focus on energy efficiency, the iSPACE studio director and deputy director of the new research centre Thomas Prinz is quoted in the “Salzburger Wirtschaft” of 16.11.2018 as saying: “The building sector is one of the largest consumers of heat and sources of emissions. There is a considerable need to make buildings and cities more energy efficient”.

In the future, the focus will therefore be even more clearly on developing intelligent building envelopes and energy systems. More resource-efficient construction, the achievement of climate targets and the optimised use of scarce land in Alpine regions are the overriding goals of the Research Centre “Alpine Construction”.


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Alpines Bauen geht mit Know-how im Umgang mit Höhenlagen, Wetterextremen, Kälte und sommerlicher Überwärmung einher.

in der “Salzburger Wirtschaft”, 16.11.2018, S. 35