At the RENOWAVE.AT Impact Days in Hallein, the Innovation Lab cooperated for the first time with the Alpine Building Network and the SIR – Salzburg Institute for Spatial Planning and Housing. ISPACE researcher Sabine Gadocha gave a presentation on redensification potential in Salzburg and strategies for mobilising it..
The annual events „Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen“ and „Salzburger Wohnbausymposium“ took place this year as part of the Impact Days. Lectures, discussions and workshops complemented the first Austrian exhibition ‘Serial Refurbishment in Austria’ and the ‘’ young talent format.
On the first day of the congress, the focus was on approaches to decarbonisation and sustainable refurbishment in existing buildings. The results of – the newcomer format for young professionals – were presented at the end of the first day. Excellent klimaaktiv buildings were also brought to the spotlight.
The second day was all about existing neighbourhoods: ‘Get rid of it or make something of it?’ was the topic. Sabine Gadocha contributed her expertise and showed how the Research Studio iSPACE analyses and visualises redensification potential in Salzburg using geoinformation methods. In addition, the ‘BONUS planning consultation’ (Bestand Optimal Nutzen – Umwelt Stärken) developed with the City of Salzburg and other partners to mobilise redensification potential by creating living space in existing buildings was presented and potential measures were demonstrated using two consultation examples.

Sabine Gadocha © Jeremia Schwegler
Possibility for 60.000 more housing unites
The house for one family is still the most popular form of housing in Austria. However, this is accompanied by a high level of land sealing. By continuing to build on existing housing stock, residential units can be created with less additional land sealing and less resource consumption.
Around 46 per cent of the residential building land in Salzburg is built on and has potential for redensification, 27 per cent of which are detached houses such as detached and semi-detached houses. This means that around 60,000 residential units could be built in Salzburg by building on existing buildings in this category.
Together with the City of Salzburg and other partners, the ‘BONUS Planning Consultancy’ was developed for owners of detached and semi-detached houses. This makes it possible to inform and advise precisely these private individuals on the possibilities of qualitative further development of their existing property to create additional living space. Overall, the offer has been well received and around 60 consultations have already been carried out in the city of Salzburg.
Here you’ll find more infos and all the slides about the RENOWAVE Impact Days.