At salz21 | Home of Innovation, the iSPACE team focused on opportunities in the age of digital technologies, data and AI with the specialist workshop “Planning innovations for climate-resilient communities and regions”. The project team from the Center for Alpine Construction also presented its research.

Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer with Thomas Prinz and Michael Grobbauer from the FH Salzburg.
Foto: WildBild

Under the motto PEOPLE | TECHNOLOGY | FUTURE, Messezentrum Salzburg was transformed into a meeting place for pioneering ideas and future-oriented technologies on March 5. The “salz21 – Home of Innovation” conference offered a unique platform for an exchange on current technical developments, social challenges and entrepreneurial opportunities between start-ups, investors and experts from business, science and politics.

RSA FG well represented

iSPACE-researchers eagerly participated once again. On the one hand at a stand for the Alpine Building Center together with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. On the other hand, at a workshop together with partners from Bayern Innovativ, TU Munich and the State of Salzburg.

Sabine Gadocha and Yingwen Deng from Studio iSPACE and Markus Leeb and Michael Grobbauer from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences gave visitors an insight into their joint project Zentrum Alpines Bauen. The Alpine region places special demands on construction and settlement structures: limited building land, limited resources, topographical challenges and energy availability require careful planning based on the latest findings from science and practice.

The iSPACE team, Bayern Innovativ, the state of Salzburg and the Technical University of Munich also held a workshop on “Planning innovations for climate-resilient communities and regions” and the added value of digitalization. The individuals presented the following topics in 15-minute slots:

  • Digital twins with spatial data innovations
  • Building potential radar for Salzburg
  • Urban trees in climate change
  • Service for the evaluation of usable solar potential under varying assumptions using the example of the city of Salzburg
  • SDDI – a framework for transferable urban digital twins
  • Outlook Project Twin4Clim

The discussions focused heavily on practical implementation and the difficulties of putting good scientific approaches into practice. Overall, the workshop also underlined the value of (cross-border) cooperation between different sectors.

With key topics such as artificial intelligence, green tech, the circular economy and digitalization, salz21 2025 provided decisive impetus for the future. Top-class speakers and experts provided insights into current developments and discussed innovative solutions for pressing global challenges. The event concluded with the WISS Networking Night. With her keynote speech “Leadership and innovation in the age of AI: what business and politics need to do now”, Isabell M. Welpe provided impetus for strategic measures in the digital transformation.