Application details
Data Market Austria – Austria’s first digital ecosystem for data, business and innovation
01.10.16 – 30.09.19
The overall objective of the Data Market Austria project is to develop the technological, infrastructural, regulatory and economic foundations for a comprehensive, innovation-supporting, sustainable Austrian data service ecosystem that builds on existing initiatives. The Data Services Ecosystem will support the entire spectrum of data, from open data to protected data, with the appropriate access controls, and innovative business models will be developed involving all potential stakeholders in such an ecosystem. Innovative enabling technologies for the ecosystem will be developed, including Block-chain techniques for origin and security, data-access-restrictive processing and analysis algorithms, semi-automated data quality improvement and system-oriented brokerage technology. Regulatory aspects will not only provide a clear picture of the regulatory environment in which the ecosystem functions, but also technological enforcement and intelligent contracts will ensure compliance with ecosystem and user laws. The use of the ecosystem will be concretely demonstrated by pilots in the areas of ICT for mobility and ICT for space missions, with each pilot establishing appropriate ecosystem services and demonstrators.