Prototype Details

Embeddable Mircro Quizzes: SoML Map Type for Public, Embeddable Quizzes.

Bernhard Göschlberger /Fabian Dopler

Data Analytics / App Development


Embeddable Micro Quizzes

SoML Map Type for Public, Embeddable Quizzes


In the course of the project: ALeS, both a website for external description and a Moodle for internal learning processes were set up. In order to be able to integrate Social MicroLearning and especially the Social MicroLearning Platform (SoML) in this context, a new type of map for SoML was developed. Existing MCMS/MCSS maps should thus be given a new form of representation and enable a further type of learning. Another goal was to lower the barrier to entry: it is now possible to embed a created quiz on any website. So even users who are not logged in to a SoML instance can take the quiz.


A quiz can consist of one or more MCMS/MCSS cards and is also created in the editor like all previous card types. Among other things, the description for the quiz can be defined there. This description is displayed before a quiz is started.

After a quiz has been started, a user can answer the questions it contains. It is possible to skip cards or go back. Finally, on the last card it is possible to ask for the result. The result includes the number of correct questions or it is also possible to view all cards again, marking whether the question was answered correctly or incorrectly.

In order to be able to embed the quiz on websites and to guarantee access for anonymous users, two new endpoints were created on the server side, which provide the complete and evaluated quiz.

Which Innovations Does the Prototype Offer?

  • Creation of quizzes from existing cards
  • Embedding a quiz on a website
  • Easy creation of quizzes


  • SoML extension with a quiz card type

Here you can find the folder for the prototype.

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