Together with its partners (see below), Studio PCA is continuing Airtention’s objective of improving pilot training in the EmPACT project.

You can find the Whitepaper here.

“Empowering Pilots via Adaptive Competency-based Training” is about developing training towards competence-based training and assessment (CBTA).

The vision of the EmPACT project is to develop the next level of CBTA technologies to support training by complementing the current purely passive monitoring technologies with active feedback and adaptive training. Overall, the project aims to improve pilot training with the help of technology.







Lufthansa Aviation Training

Detailed information:
Project duration: until August 2025

Our expertise:

Attentional Aware Systems


Together with its partners (see below), Studio PCA is continuing Airtention’s objective of improving pilot training in the EmPACT project.

You can find the Whitepaper here.

“Empowering Pilots via Adaptive Competency-based Training” is about developing training towards competence-based training and assessment (CBTA).

The vision of the EmPACT project is to develop the next level of CBTA technologies to support training by complementing the current purely passive monitoring technologies with active feedback and adaptive training. Overall, the project aims to improve pilot training with the help of technology.

Lufthansa Aviation Training
Peter Fritz
Peter FritzResearcher
Christian Thomay
Christian ThomayStudioleiter PCA
Michael Matscheko
Michael MatschekoTitel
Stanly Moses
Stanly Moses
Yerania Campos
Yerania Campos