

The EU 2020 Strategy for recycling management see a direct connection between resource efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of regions.


Application details

Cross-border research network for the integrative design of efficient energy systems in urban regions

2017 to 2019

The EU 2020 Strategy and the EU Action Plan for recycling management see a direct connection between resource efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of regions. It can be assumed that high efficiency in the future building stock, new technologies such as low-temperature district heating and heat pumps, waste heat recovery and the reduction of energy losses in industry as well as the development of the biomass potential will make energy systems cleaner and more efficient. The IDEE project will build on results from the Urban Energy Web project and create a cross-border research network for “Integrative System Analysis and Design of Efficient and Innovative Urban Energy Systems”, in which the competencies of four research centres and one public authority will complement each other to develop an integrative modelling framework for urban energy systems. This framework interprets energy, environmental, building, economic and geographical data in an integrative way and thus creates new bases for decision-making. It supports municipalities and key actors in planning energy investments in urban areas by providing strategic input on existing potentials, applicability of innovative technologies and their environmental impact, costs and profitability.

This modelling framework will be developed and validated in pilot regions (Maniago, Feltre and Salzburg Lakeland) and will be set up for a broad application beyond.

Unser Forschungsteam

Dr. Markus Biberacher
Dr. Markus Biberacher
Keyresearcher on.Energy
Mag. Dr. Ingrid Schardinger
Mag. Dr. Ingrid Schardinger
Fabian Hofsäß, MSc
Fabian Hofsäß, MSc
Anna Butzhammer, MSc
Anna Butzhammer, MSc


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