

Bedarfsgerechte touristische Mobilitätsbedarfe durch Dateninnovationen nachhaltig lenken



Runtime: 1. September 2024-28. February 2027


Lead: Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen TU Graz

  • Invenium Data Insights
  • Österreich Werbung
  • Salzburger Verkehrsverbund
  • Feratel Media Technologies
Contact in RSA FG: Florian Schöpflin
Contact in RSA FG: Florian Schöpflin

The INNOVATOUR research project addresses tourism mobility as an important field of action in transport planning. The aim is to develop new mobility indicators by tapping into and analysing new, innovative data sources in order to better understand mobility behaviour in tourism and reduce car use. To this end, various tourism data such as overnight stays, booking data and admission tickets are analysed. In Salzburg and Styria, practical use cases are being developed for needs-based mobility services in the eco-mobility sector. The project aims to promote safe, affordable and sustainable mobility options and create more inclusive access.

INNOVATOUR: New paths for climate-friendly mobility in tourism

The INNOVATOUR research project (sustainable management of needs-based tourism mobility requirements through data innovations) addresses tourism mobility as an important field of action in transport planning. The aim of the project is to develop new mobility indicators by tapping into and analyzing previously unused data sources in order to better understand mobility behavior in tourism and reduce car use. This involves analyzing a wide range of previously unused or hardly used tourism data, such as overnight stays, booking data and admission tickets. In Salzburg and Styria, practical use cases for needs-based mobility services in the environmental network are being developed. The promotion of safe, affordable and sustainable mobility offers in the tourism context as well as more inclusive access should be at the end of the project.

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