Application details
Research and development project – Scientific and technical support Geoinformation strategy for the National Park
Berchtesgaden 2018+
11.2018‐ 10.2019
Data creation, exchange, backup and maintenance of geodata provide the NP
Berchtesgaden represent a valuable resource, require a lot of time and effort to ensure long-term
monitoring/archiving but also a high complexity of data management. The
The securing and provision of these resources is a key issue in the management of the spatial
information levels and climate measurement data into sustainable data structures and their
provision via central services in a GDI 2018+ and to ensure
The aim of the research and development aspects in NPBG GDI 2019 is scientific,
Methodical and technical support of the transfer and reorganisation of a
sustainable distributed organised geodata and service infrastructure (GDI 2018+) in
Berchtesgaden National Park locally and with the starting new interdepartmental
ArcGIS Enterprise possibilities in the IT-DLZ. This takes place under inclusion of the to
international standards and norms, as well as national and international
European requirements (e.g. INSPIRE Directive) in order to achieve the most effective
Organization of the space available in the National Park.