our applied research
Projects of RSA FG
Application Details Term: September 1st, 2022-August 31st, 2026 Our Expertise: Data Analytics Geoinformatics Studio: iSPACE SMART SETTLEMENT SYSTEMS Client: [...]
The goal of ActNow is to make the potential of active and sustainable mobility tangible for the individual, for companies, as well as for communities and planning. Through the possibilities offered by ICT the areas of commuting mobility accompanying routes for children, health promotion and environmental impact are to be brought together in order to make an important contribution to the promotion of active personal mobility.
Airport 4.0.
In this research project integrative accessibility and planning scenarios are developed for future-oriented mobility offers at the Salzburg Airport.
5G-MOBiS (5G Mobility Innovations Salzburg) is a research project that investigates how 5G data can be used for traffic control and spatial and mobility planning.
Spatial Energy Planning II
The global energy market is in a state of flux: in order to achieve the European climate targets, far-reaching changes in our consumption and mobility behavior are necessary.
When evaluating a search engine, you need to test it under specific conditions—this includes picking certain ways of measuring performance, datasets and evaluation metrics. But the choice of these testing conditions is often made without a transparent reason. Also, no one usually measures what happens if you change these conditions. This is where the Kodicare-project comes in.
TIM Expert consultation Hublz
Hublz is an art and culture platform that provides a profitable intermediation service for the industry as well as for the end consumer.
TIM Expert consultation Generative 3
Generative 3 produces professional video content and markets it via social media to recognize and predict trends with them.
Profil AT 3.0 III
Application Details Our Competence: IoT – Assistive Geoinformatics Studio: iSPACE SMART 4D ENVIRONMENTS Client: Profil AT 3.0 III 01.07.2020 [...]
Application Details Date: 01.07.2020 – 30.06.2023 Our Competence: IoT – Assistive Geoinformatics Studio: iSPACE 4D ENVIRONMENTS Client: The project [...]
UML Development Platform
Application Details Our Competence: IoT – Assistive Geoinformatics Studio: iSPACE 4D ENVIRONMENTS Client: UML Development Platform for the [...]
Recompression Monitor
This Demonstrator helps the Measurement of building development in the areas of redensification, building land reserves and restructuring areas.
Demonstrator Demonstrator: OpenEyes Researcher: Benedikt Gollan Studio: Pervasive Computing Applications OpenEyes: Online Cognitive Load Analysis from Pupil Dilation [...]
OEBV Property Service
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the essential future topics in the construction industry as a whole. Up to now, the focus has been on leveraging the potential of BIM within one's own company and thereby achieving a competitive advantage.
With the MinD-MAP project, the research studio PCA is developing a new product line to measure cognitive attention and optimize training for pilots.
UML Bus Stop 4.0
This Prototype introduces new Testing and evaluation of the functionality, acceptance and transferability of new technical developments with a simplified test requests.
AWEAR – A Wearable Expert Augmented Reality System
AWEAR enables indoor 3D navigation with AR visualization in the smartphone.
Mobile Adaptive Laser Display
Here, a laser front projection system is created in the industrial painting process where camera information is localized and visualized in motion.
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