our applied research
Projects of RSA FG
Mobility Calculator Country OOE 2
The mobility calculator is based on the "household calculator" (MORECO project), an extended version was developed for the province of Upper Austria.
Natural gas plants
Analysis of the natural gas plants and automatic/manual georeferencing of the 64 gas plants via address information in austria.
Planning tool mobility Salzburg SVV
The aim of the planning tool is to support Salzburg in the related areas of transport and spatial development with integrative tools.
Source Monitoring BDGL
The aim of the Source Monitoring BDGL project is to revise the existing data model from the Source Action Programme on the basis of new requirements.
E Control III
Data basis and analysis results of the Spatial Structural Indicators for Grid Tariffs project, which has already been completed on behalf of E-Control.
Eurofusion 19
The Eurofusion TIMES model represents a global multiregional bottom-up energy system model with international partners.
UML DL FeedbackApp
The Feedback App enables public transport users to give feedback, wishes and suggestions for improvement in a structured, room-related form.
Safe-DEED takes a very interdisciplinary approach to focus the dissemination of privacy enhancing technologies.
VISIOMICS provides a solution for tumor diagnostics that combines areas such as workflow management, data integration and user interface solutions.
The goal of the project Airtention is to develop a program with the intention to model human attention in the flight training.
SNA-RisikoE - Talent Studios enable young researchers to develop an R&D agenda in the defined problem area of appropriate coaching.
Post-compaction monitor II
The summarization monitor is a further development of the GIS valuation procedures based on the preliminary project.
IS Terravistor II
terravistor GmbH needs scientific competence in the field of geoinformatics to develop the products of its real estate evaluation platform.
ULTIMOB is a research project within the framework of the 'Mobility of the Future' program of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation & Technology.
UML stop 4.0
Stop 4.0 is about building a transport hub of the future as a physical and digital laboratory environment and test room for new developments.
REK Stadt Salzburg
REK Salzburg are extensive commuter matrices that are prepared in such a way that they can be displayed with visualization methods for the respective purpose.
Data production of geodata represents a valuable resource for the NPBG and is necessary to ensure long-term monitoring.
The EU 2020 Strategy for recycling management see a direct connection between resource efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of regions.
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