our applied research
Projects of RSA FG
Lageprofi creates a basis that gives interested companies access to the latest trends and findings in the field of situation assessment.
MobilityEqualizer - This initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and the federal provinces is intended to contribute to a reorganisation of the regional transport system in Austria.
MobilityIntegrator - In order to do justice to increasing everyday mobility in cities, new multimodal offers in local and commuter mobility.
SaMBA aims to change the perception of transport users with regard to sustainable mobility services through attractive pricing.
UML Salzburg
The Urban Mobility Laboratory (UML) Salzburg is to support innovation projects in personal mobility and city logistics in the Salzburg area.
UGB (Urban Green Belts)
Urban Green Belts are able to filter pollutants from the air, reduce heat island effects or increase property values.
The aim of the WohnMOBIL project is to promote a settlement and neighbourhood development that saves space, costs and traffic.
Mobility Optimizer
Mobility Optimizer - Quality public transport services contribute significantly to maintaining individual mobility for all age groups.
Centre of Alpine Building
The Alpine Building - Research and Transfer Centre acts as a know-how carrier for resource-saving and sustainable building.
UML DL Trassenanalyse
The Train Path Analysis project is concerned with the development of planning instruments for forward-looking planning of mobility offers.
The current settlement development in the Alpine region leads to a limited mobility offer and an increase in motorised traffic.
The aim of the Bonsei project is to promote energy-efficient and socially acceptable redensification in urban residential buildings in private ownership.
Quellen Bayern 2.0
In the project Quellen Bayern 2.0 a guideline for source monitoring at natural sources in Bavaria is developed together with the partners.
Spatial Energy Planning
Spatial energy planning, has the potential to become a game-changer and becomes an important lever for the integration of innovative & sustainable heating technologies.
Spatial energy planning, has the potential to become a game-changer and becomes an important lever for the integration of innovative & sustainable heating technologies.
Social being determines consciousness in dialectical materialism. "aWHEREness:lab" thus translates: The place also determines the (conscious) being.
Energy City Concepts
In this project new methodological approaches are developed and tested on the basis of two concrete model regions.
Enerspired Cities
Enerspired Cities - implementing the decarbonisation of the existing energy system is becoming increasingly important. There are many ways to achieve this.
Do you want to implement a similar project?
We are happy to do research for you!
With our expertise, we are happy to take on new challenges and can work with you to realize your plans and implement and develop projects tailored specifically to your needs.