

Spatial energy planning, has the potential to become a game-changer and becomes an important lever for the integration of innovative & sustainable heating technologies.


Transnational Holistic Ecosystem 4 Better Energy Efficiency through Social innovation

From 2015 till 2018

The project is based on the hypothesis that energy is not consumed by buildings but by people. Therefore, user behaviour is the main focus of the project. The users of buildings in the Alpine Space are to become more aware of energy consumption through ICT applications, thereby changing their routines and contributing to a reduction in energy consumption. The ICT applications are to be developed via so-called co-creation labs. Seven co-creation labs will be evaluated in terms of energy consumption and behavioural change. Recommendations will be developed by involving “observers” of the project, who come from the field of politics and consulting. Therefore, the project is characterised by a participatory approach, both with regard to the co-creation labs and the observers. The focal points of the project are:

  • Raising awareness of energy efficiency in buildings
  • Studies on energy-efficient behaviour and behavioural changes
  • Co-Creation Labs as a starting point for the development of ICT applications
  • Pilot applications with users (private households, pupils, students, employees, tourists)
  • Elaboration of political recommendations for action to develop the Alpine region.

As a result, various ICT applications are being developed which are intended to change user behaviour in the direction of energy efficiency, as well as policy instruments for sustainable development in the Alpine region.


  • CSI-Piemonte (IT, project leader)
  • Regione Piemonte (IT)
  • Regione Lombardia (IT)
  • E-Zavod (SL)
  • Zavod Energetska Agencija za Savinjsko (SL)
  • Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT)
  • HES-SO//Fribourg (CH)
  • Association Hespul (FR)
  • Rhônalpénergie-Environnement (FR)

Funding: Gesamtvolumen: 2.694.646 EUR ERDF: 2.290.449 EUR This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.

Our research team

Dr. Manfred Mittlböck
Dr. Manfred Mittlböck
Studio manager “Smart 4D Environments”
Dr. Markus Biberacher
Dr. Markus Biberacher
Keyresearcher on.Energy
Mag. Sabine Gadocha
Mag. Sabine Gadocha
Ing. Caroline Atzl, MSc
Ing. Caroline Atzl, MSc

Impressions of our work



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