For five days the upcoming talents in the STEM-sector met for a summer school on microelectronics in Italy. Chief scientific officer Markus Tauber and SDIS-researcher Yasin Ghafourian gave them an insight into their work.

The European Chips Skills Academy gave 40 young talents from over a dozen European countries the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on microelectronics at a summer school at the University of Bologna in Italy. The RSA FG was also represented: Chief scientific officer Markus Tauber as well as research Yasin Ghafourian gave talks on Cyber-Physical Systems and Embedded Intelligence. 

For five days, the participants covered the topics of Semiconductor Technology, Integrated Circuits Design, Digital Systems & Embedded Intelligence, and Integration with talks and hands-on-sessions. With the help from their supervisors, the students managed to solve the hands-on challenges like building their own weather station.  

On day four, Yasin Ghafourian from the studio SDIS introduced them to the topic of AI and embedded intelligence. The students also learnt about cyber physical systems from Chief Scientific Officer Markus Tauber. Both concepts are highly relevant to the work of the RSA FG studio SDIS, for example for its work on Aquaponic systems. 

Many project partners of RSA FG were present as well. The students also got insight into the projects AIMS5.0 and Eclipse Arrowhead, both EU-projects with RSA FG participation.