Under @RSA_FG you can follow the latest projects, research results and keep up with the upcoming interesting events from the Research Studios on Twitter.

“Managing Research from Universities into Markets in Digital Intelligence”

True to our mission, we are closing another digital gap within our social media presence. We are happy to announce that now we are also joining Twitter where we will present news from our research studios also directly via our RSA FG channel.


Whether news from the Research Studio Pervasive Computing Applications on competence-based training, or news on the development of a data market from the Research Studio Data Science,  the RSA FG Twitter channel will offer insights into the various competencies of our six Research Studios and their application areas and latest projects.

Don’t miss any more news from our research studios. Follow us on Twitter and keep an eye on the latest developments.

Join the conversation and share your thoughts by using these hashtags.

#ResearchThatMatters #rsafg