An exchange event for both circular economy and production technologies took place for the first time. The EDEN team took part in Vienna and presented the FFG project.

Circular economy, artificial intelligence for the green transformation of industry and data-driven innovations were the topics of the first forum for circular economy and production technologies organized by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Rafael Kupsa from the RSA FG SDIS-Studio and Jamilya Nurgazina from the FH St. Pölten with their joint project EDEN joined the event in Vienna. They presented the project to the guests in small groups and answered questions for an intensive exchange. The mini-demonstrator from St. Pölten and a poster were also included.

The “real” aquaponics demonstrator is located in the SDIS studio in St. Pölten. It houses the goldfish, whose excrement are used as fertilizer. The project is about the intelligent operation of these aquaponics systems with the help of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. The advantages over conventional agriculture are manifold: the use of artificial fertilizers is eliminated, land consumption is low, the need for pesticides is reduced and resources can be used sparingly. The EDEN project not only aims to use recyclable materials more efficiently, but also to create self-sufficient systems with the help of renewable energies.

In addition to their project presentation, the EDEN team attended keynote speeches and panel discussions, including one by Marvin May from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on the design of circular production networks and production strategies. The event, which took place for the first time, concluded with a guided tour of Vienna’s city center with a focus on sustainability.