Studio iSPACE researches mobility behavior in the Alpine region.

The project “SaMBA – Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region”, in which Research Studio iSPACE is a scientific project partner, is a flagship project of the EU-funded Alpine Space Programme, reports the Salzburger Landeskorrespondenz on Monday, 12.11.2018. The project is dedicated to mobility behaviour in Alpine regions from 2018 to 2021. iSPACE Studio Director Thomas Prinz is quoted by the Landeskorrespondenz as saying

“It is not about restricting, but about making alternatives attractive and rewarding in order to counteract high emissions, land consumption and their negative effects on the environment and quality of life”.

The SaMBA project involves 13 project partners from five EU countries.

In the entire Alpine Space Programme, 560 partners from seven countries are currently working on 49 projects. A seminar with 150 participants from all Alpine countries was recently held in the framework of the Interreg programme “Alpine Space” with the aim of exchanging information on projects.


Der Alpenraum umfasst weit mehr als das höchste Gebirge Europas. Er ist das Zuhause für rund 70 Millionen Menschen und in ihm treffen verschiedene Kulturen und Sprachen aufeinander.

EU-Programm ermöglicht länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit / Salzburger SaMBA-Projekt arbeitet an der Mobilität der Zukunft

EU-Programm ermöglicht länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit – Salzburger SaMBA-Projekt