What are we working on and what can we offer?
What we are working on and what we can offer?
We accompany our customers and partners on their digital innovation journey and support them with our expertise. Together we create customized solutions for the growth of your digital business.
Acceleration of business processes
- Use AI for process automation
- Implement machine learning and NLP tools
- Real-time visual inspection
Creation of digital business solutions
- Advanced digital solutions for health, patent and business data
- Derive benefits and deep insights from Big Data
- Unleash the hidden power of (your) business data
Our offer…
Our offer…
- Development of interoperability solutions from your company
- Analyze and interpret data to improve the sustainability of your business
Public code repositories:
PrototAIp: a platform for rapid prototyping and experimentation in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The platform offers a dynamic programming environment with Jupyter notebooks and has a large selection of state-of-the-art software libraries for data science pre-installed. The source code is available here:
- Repository for platform setup: https://github.com/Researchstudio-DSc/prototAIp
- Installable Notebook: https://github.com/Researchstudio-DSc/prototAIp-notebook
- Dockerized, installable image on DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/michaelbochrsa/prototaip-notebook
TRUSTS: This project aimed to develop a secure and trustworthy data market for the exchange and trading of data (https://www.trusts-data.eu/). We were responsible for interoperability and also developed a client to communicate with a blockchain component for smart contracts. The source code is available here:
- Interoperability prototype: https://github.com/Trusts-eu/interoperability
- Smart contract client: https://github.com/Trusts-eu/smart-contract-client
VISIOMICS provides a solution for tumor diagnostics that combines areas such as workflow management, data integration and user interface solutions.
SNA-RisikoE - Talent Studios enable young researchers to develop an R&D agenda in the defined problem area of appropriate coaching.
Accurate examination with predictive multigraph analytics
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Mobile Knowledge Lab is researching multigraphs as an approach to predicting fiscal risks.
DoSSIER will address the different information needs of professional users
The Research Studio Data Science develops a new information access system to properly address what is missing in a professional user’s knowledge base and consequently present him/her with suitable and valuable information.
RSA FG signs COVID-19 Research MANIFESTO of the European Commission
Maximize the accessibility of research results and data in the fight against COVID-19 with Open Research Data The goal must be to be able to use data for social health, justice and prosperity.