Smart Digital Industries & Services


Schmittner, C., Felberbauer, T., Tauber, M., Neudecker, P., & Suciu, G. (2024). EDEN-Effiziente, Dezentrale und Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion in Verbindung mit IoT-Technologie. In MESS24 Tagungsbrochüre: Microelectronic Systems Symposium.

Abu Naim, B., Ghafourian, Y., Ryabokon, A., Flamigni, F., & Baldrian, R. (2024). A generic framework for resourcelimited microcontrollers deployment in I-IoT systems. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Management for Industry 5.0 (MFI5.0), at IFIP/IEEE NOMS 2024 – Network Operations and Management Symposium.

Abu Naim, B., Ghafourian, Y., Tauber, M., Lindner, F., Schmittner, C., Schoitsch, E., Schneider, G., Kattan, O., Ryabokon, A., Flamigni, F., Karathanasopoulou, K., & Dimitrakopoulos, G. (2024). A self -assessment tool to encourage the uptake of artificial intelligence in digital workspaces. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Management for Industry 5.0 (MFI5.0), at IFIP/IEEE NOMS 2024 – Network Operations and Management Symposium.

Boch, M., Hirsch, C., Susaki, Y., Gindl, S., Tauber, M. (2024). Harvesting Innovation: Analysis of Decentralized MAPE-K Loops in Cyber-Physical Production Systems. IFIP/IEEE NOMS 2024.

Dimitrakopoulos, G., Varga, P., Gutt, T., Schneider, G., Ehm, H., Hoess, A., Tauber, M., Karathanasopoulou, K., Lackner, A., Delsing, J. (2024). Industry 5.0: Research Areas and Challenges With Artificial Intelligence and Human Acceptance.  IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.

Ghafourian, Y., Tauber, M., Schneider, G., Bannert, A., Kattan, O., Schoitsch, E. (2024). Engineering Secure, Trustworthy, and Ethically Sound AI-Based Computer Systems, ERCIM News 139 Software Security Special Theme p. 49-50.

Kupsa, R., Anjomshoaa, A., Tauber, M. (2024). Connected Aquaponics: Sustainable Agriculture through Industry 5.0 Technologies and Circular Economy Principles. ERCIM News 139 Software Security Special Theme, p. 39-41.

Perez-Cerrolaza, J., Abella, J., Borg, M., Donzella, C., Cerquides, J., Cazorla, F. J., Englund, C., Tauber, M., Nikolakopoulos, G., Flores, J. L. Artificial intelligence for safety-critical systems in industrial and transportation domains: A survey ACM Computing Systems 56, 1-40.

Moster, T., Wolfhartsberger J., Sorko, S. R., & Naim, B. A. (2024). Extended Reality Based Education and Training for Human Centric Industry 5.0 Skill Enhancment. In. NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-4.

Hummel K. A., Smith P., Tauber T., Dorfinger P. & Saukh O. (2023). NET-IT: A Next Generation Intelligent Network Research Agenda. In: ERCIM News No. 133.

Tauber M., Gollan C., Schmittner C. & Knopf P. (2023): Passive Precision Farming Reshapes the Agricultural Sector. In: IEEE Computer, Vol. 56, Nr. 01, S. 120-124.

Hegedus C., Franko A., Varga P., Gindl S. & Tauber M. (2023): Enabling Scalable Smart Vertical Farming with IoT and Machine Learning Technologies. In: IEEE / IFIP NOMS 2022 Workshops – MFI4.0.