Michael Matscheko, BSc


His core competencies are in the areas of Tactile Devices, Mobile and Wireless Technologies, Location-based Services, Sensor Systems.

From 2007 to 2016 he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Pervasive Computing (JKU Linz). In 2016, he joined the RSA FG Studio Pervasive Computing Applications (PCA) in Linz as a Researcher.

Michael Matscheko studied computer science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

What I am working on



The goal of the project Airtention is to develop a program with the intention to model human attention in the flight training.

Attentive ICT

Attentive ICT

Attention-Aware ICT represents a technological approach in which ICT systems are equipped with an understanding of user behaviour and status.

My Publications