Mag. Wolfgang Spitzer


Studies of geography and geoinformatics (master thesis: urban sprawl – quantification of a multidimensional concept), since July 2005 staff member of iSPACEforPlanning, main focus: Cartography, Spatial Analysis, Regional Statistics, Spatial Indicators on Settlement Structure and Redensification.

What I am working on



The aim of the Bonsei project is to promote energy-efficient and socially acceptable redensification in urban residential buildings in private ownership.

Prototypes & Demonstrators

My Publications

Andorfer, M., Vockner, B., Spitzer, W., Mittlböck, M. (2016)

Spitzer, W., Schulz, W., Keul, A., Prinz, T. (2011)

Raumplanung als Alltagsmanagement für ALLE? Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels – Werkstattbericht DEMOCHANGE, Wankiewicz, H., Spitzer, W., Prinz, T., Dollinger F. (2010)

Zersiedelung – Quantifizierung eines mehrdimensionalen Begriffs, Magisterarbeit Spitzer W. (2007)