After innovative and sustainable mobility solutions were initiated in pilot regions within the ULTIMOB project in 2021, they were presented in the course “Kommunale Mobilitätsbeauftragte” – a course by Climate Alliance Austria for the development and optimization of innovative mobility concepts in areas with heavy traffic.
Dr. Thomas Prinz and Mag. Stefan Herbst from the Research Studio iSPACE gave a lecture as part of this course and talked about the possibilities to optimize public transport as well as the development of innovative mobility solutions.
The development of a more sustainable mobility system requires contributions from decision-makers at various levels. Municipal and regional initiatives form the basis for the implementation of national and international goals. In the first part of the course “Kommunale Mobilitätsbeauftragte” of Climate Alliance Austria broad knowledge was shared on the topic of sustainable transport design in municipalities, urban areas and district areas, which should be useful to affected regions in the development of innovative, sustainable transport concepts. Dr. Thomas Prinz and Mag. Stefan Herbst from the Research Studio iSPACE talked about their findings in this regard.

“Tool for the optimization of public transport and multimodal knots”.
– Dr. Thomas Prinz | RSA FG Studios iSpace

The Research Studio iSPACE has analyzed commuter flows with the Salzburg Transport Association and developed new GIS-based planning bases for the analysis of the existing and future offer in the environmental network. These innovative basics are a central basis for the further development of innovative mobility offers in Salzburg and beyond. Currently, the results are used for the elaboration of a multimodal action plan for the province of Salzburg, as well as for the planning of new micro-public-transport offers in individual municipalities.

Current developments and findings were widely shared in the course “Kommunale Mobilitätsbeauftragte” of the Climate Alliance: “Innovations should make multimodal access from the region to public transport attractive, facilitate the transfer and improve the continuity of multimodal path chains. In this way, innovative measures can be adopted and implemented throughout Austria and continue to have an impact even after the end of the project,” said Thomas Prinz.

Further presentations from ULTIMOB concerned the pilot regions Tullnerfeld (innovative micro-public-transport in the Tullnerfeld DI Mag. Wolfgang Kalny | SDC Smart Digital Concepts GmbH) or the pilot region Graz-surroundings (barriers in motor vehicle traffic – change from passenger car to public transport? DI Dr. Kurt Fallast | Planum Fallast Tischler & Partner GmbH)….

From local traffic problems to the advancing climate change and current world-political events; at various levels the urgency of implementing innovative, sustainable solutions for traffic and (inter)national infrastructure as soon as possible is evident – also in terms of autonomy and independence from fossil fuels.

Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft


Climate Allience Austria