What may the Geoinformatik?RSA FG invites to the Brownbag-Lecture on geodata and data protection on 05.12. in Salzburg
Brownbag-Lectures the term comes from brownbag, the American lunch bag, and signals that, in contrast to lectures in the lecture hall or guest lectures, food and drink are also allowed.
The RSA FG invites interested parties to the events, which serve the better networking of RSA FG Research Studios and universities. The first Brownbag-Lecture on December 5, 2019 is dedicated to the tension between data protection and the use of geodata. Lothar Gamper, lawyer with a focus on copyright law at the University of Innsbruck, will be welcomed as an external speaker.
The programm:
When? Thursday, 05.12.2019, from 16:00
Where? IDEAS:Lab, Schillerstraße 30, 5020 Salzburg
16:00 -16:10: “Project Enerspired Cities: Motivation and Goals” (Markus Biberacher, RSA FG-Studio iSPACE)
16:10 -16:30: “Geodata and legal bases at a glance (Manfred Mittlböck, RSA FG-Studio iSPACE/Z_GIS)
16:30 -17:00: “Legal framework and possibilities” (Lothar Gamper, University of Innsbruck)
17:00 – open end: discussion
The participation in the event is free of charge. The lecture is part of the project “Enerspired Cities”. Contact: markus.biberacher@researchstudio.at